Contact Center

Customer lines

Our professionals provide your customers with high quality service without compromise. We offer an info line, a contest line, an emergency hotline or an order service.

Thanks to our large team of employees, we are able to handle calls according to agreed protocol. There is no waiting, and your client´s request is solved immediately.

Thanks to the situation of our Call Centres, we are able to keep the phone lines running even in the event of a failure of up to two operational sites.

Lead Verification

Even though nowadays, the contact with clients over the Internet is becoming more and more common, there is still a certain percentage of leads that need treatment or verification of data. Our teams are highly experienced in this area and we are happy to share our knowledge.

We are able to connect to your existing system or import your data to our CRM system. We offer reporting services with high quality recordings of phone calls. We believe that our fast response to a lead is vital, therefore we are able to react almost immediately.

Surveys and welcome calls

We perform client-friendly calls in order to find out more about the market potential of your clients.
We explore the client‘s previous experience with the product or service and prepare information for up-sell/cross-sell opportunities.


lower operating costs thanks to outsourcing services


we guarantee a high quality of all provided services


immediate feedback on marketing campaigns


the outgoing and incoming calls are handled quickly


increase sales of all your additional products and services


comprehensive handling
of all calls


We offer our experience in the sale of services to the end customers as well as corporate clients. Our experience from present and past projects along with the communication and sales skills of our employees allow us to provide high quality services. We are constantly developing these skills to keep the pace with the clients and market developments.

Thanks to our internal processes, all the personal data are protected against change, destruction or loss. We also help you to set up telemarketing services to meet GDPR requirements.

Contact us

We are ready to prepare a non-binding offer and a price calculation. Simply fill in the form below and send us your request.

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