
LogiCall Česká republika, s.r.o
Čsl. armády 808/43b CZ
794 01 Krnov

IČO: 26 84 95 51
DIČ: CZ 26 84 95 51

Account number: 24602460/2010
The company is registered with the Regional Court in Ostrava,
Section C, Insert 28317

Call: + 420 554 689 111
GSM: + 420 775 773 355


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Managing Director

Ivan studied Crisis Management, Insolvency and International Trade. He has been working in claims management since 1993, first in Germany, then in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Since 2004, he has been building a network of consulting companies LogiCall in Central Europe.


Contact Center Director

Ondra has long-term experience with capacity management and target setting, as well as participation in projects across the company. He has knowledge of the IT environment of the Call Center and professional skills in performance management. Ondra is an ambitious person with progressive thinking, who always looks for the best way to solve the problems.


Procurator of the company

Blanka has more than 25 years of experience as an administration and legal operations manager. For a long time she worked in a leading law company in the Czech Republic. Blanka is a positive person, with a sense of order and responsibility.